
Affiliate Marketing

Boring Agency works with all traffic sources and has a strong relationship with key affiliates in the market.
Our team consists of:
Affiliate Managers
Facilitate successful connections between gambling operators and affiliates, ensuring mutual profitability, and resolving any issues that arise.
PR Department
Develop brand, manage reputation, handle the news, and prevent potential conflicts.
Contact center which always ready to support our partners.
Conversion Optimization
Help affiliates to update and optimize creatives.
Track campaigns’ performance, monitor fraud, and forecast viability.


Our team is proficient with key affiliate platforms and trackers, such as
  • Affilka
  • Affise
  • NetRefer
  • Income Access
  • Keitaro
  • Cake
  • Tune

Our presence extends to key global affiliate exhibitions where we actively participate with partners, influencers and decision-makers.

Our team is familiar with markets in various countries, including

Our own affiliate network

Boring Agency has a well-established affiliate network – offering a turnkey solution for gambling operators.

fixed price per new client or a share from affiliate commissions / net profit, with the share decreasing as net profit increases.

Our affiliate network ensures brand development, dispute resolution, stable payouts for affiliates, and technical integrations.

Your own affiliate program

If you prefer to have your own affiliate program, we offer a dedicated team and the same comprehensive services.

  • The operator needs to set up their own affiliate platform, and arrange legal and financial structure for operations and payments.
  • The operator needs a separate budget for PR of their monobrand affiliate program.

You get the same level of management and PR development, while maintaining the ownership over your affiliate program brand.

Media Buying

At Boring Agency, we've mastered the art of media buying, leveraging our own advanced technologies - an ad server and a demand-side platform (DSP), and a robust data management platform (DMP).

We successfully combine media buying activities in terms of user acquisition, retargeting, remarketing and user retention.
Our proprietary technology combined with direct connections to the most popular publishers and ad networks enable us to offer high-performance services in the iGaming industry.

Media Buying Expertise

Our proficiency goes beyond just tools and technologies. Our deep understanding of the iGaming landscape and the nuances of giants like Facebook and Google give us a competitive edge. At Boring Agency, we know what works best in this industry, helping our clients navigate efficiently toward growth and profitability.

We constantly launch new traffic sources in order to improve our expertise and boost clients’ results.

We know how to use acquisition channels in terms of clients’ retention as well. The era of email marketing as the main instrument to get returning clients has passed. Modern world requires new solutions in order to up sale and cross sale, and we have it.

Influencer Marketing

At Boring Agency, we tap into the immense potential of Influencer Marketing, one of the most effective strategies to engage the iGaming audience. We partner with leading influencers across popular platforms, who resonate with your brand and help amplify its reach. With us, you get targeted campaigns that not only bring new customers but also foster brand loyalty, engagement and customers’ retention.

Advantages in Influencer Marketing

Our influencer marketing strategy goes beyond just partnering with popular figures.
  1. We carefully analyze influencers for brand fit, audience engagement, authenticity, and we offer a perfect split in terms of brand awareness and performance. 

  2. We create and implement a highly effective influencer marketing strategy delivering target coverage of your audience, and building your brand loyalty.  

  3. We also employ sophisticated tracking methods to measure the success of our influencer campaigns and providing actionable insights.

Search Engine Optimization

Mastering SEO in iGaming

In the iGaming industry, standing out in search engine results is crucial. At Boring Agency, we have an expert team dedicated to optimizing your website for search engines. We utilize an in-depth understanding of the algorithms and SEO best practices to improve your site's ranking, increase organic traffic, and boost user engagement.

Our Advantages in SEO

We believe in data-driven SEO. By leveraging advanced analytics tools, we provide a clear view of your website's performance, identifying areas of improvement, and executing effective strategies.

Our approach involves not just keyword optimization, but also improving site structure, backlink profile, and conversion optimisation along with user experience.

We have a unique technology that helps us to minimize negative SEO effect in terms of websites’ pessimization at some GEOs at iGaming niche.

With Boring Agency, your iGaming business will have the visibility it deserves.

Marketing Technologies

Marketing technology is a key part of our offerings at Boring Agency. Our advanced affiliate platform, designed for the iGaming industry, not only enables tracking and analytics but also ensures efficient payouts for webmasters. Alongside this, our platform facilitates seamless integrations and enhanced security measures, making it a strategic asset in your marketing toolkit.

Custom-Tailored for iGaming

Unlike generic solutions, our affiliate platform is built to tackle the unique challenges of the iGaming industry. It offers superior control and insight into your performance marketing activities with advanced features like fraud detection, real-time reporting, and robust integrations. Additionally, our platform has been instrument in driving growth for our clients, managing complex campaigns with ease and providing valuable insights.

Beyond the Affiliate Platform

In addition to our cutting-edge affiliate platform, our MarTech arsenal includes many other advanced marketing technologies such as:
  • Traffic distribution system
  • Ads tracking and monitoring tools
  • Split testing capabilities,
  • An engagement landing page creator
  • Dynamic ads content based on sports feed
  • Traffic attribution service.
Each tool is designed to give you an edge in the competitive iGaming landscape, helping you optimize your marketing efforts and achieve outstanding results.

Business Analysis & Consulting

At Boring Agency, we understand that the heart of every successful marketing strategy lies in a thorough understanding of your business. That's why we’ve introduced our Business Analysis & Consulting service, a dynamic approach designed to elevate your brand to new heights.

Experience the Boring Advantages:
Unlocking Business Potential
Our team of top-notch experts in iGaming are dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of your business. We delve deep into your operations, identifying untapped opportunities, analyzing market trends, and crafting strategic solutions that align with your goals.
Tailored Strategies for Lasting Success
No two businesses are alike, and our approach reflects that belief. We customize our consulting services to cater specifically to your business, ensuring that our strategies are not only effective but also uniquely tailored to your brand's personality and objectives.
Proactive Problem Solvers
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, challenges are inevitable. Our consultants are proactive problem-solvers, anticipating obstacles before they arise and devising preemptive strategies to keep your business on a trajectory of success.
Data-Driven Insights
Informed decisions are powerful decisions. Our business analysis is deeply rooted in data, leveraging analytics to provide actionable insights. Whether it's market research, competitor analysis, or customer behavior studies, we use data to guide our strategies and drive tangible results.
Collaborative Partnership
We don't just offer solutions; we build lasting partnerships. Our consulting process is a collaborative journey where your insights and our expertise converge to shape a robust business strategy. Together, we pave the way for innovation and sustained growth.
Your Competitive Edge
With Boring Agency's Business Analysis & Consulting service, you gain more than a strategy – you gain a competitive edge. Elevate your business to its full potential with insights that matter and strategies that work. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.
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